Monday, 2 April 2018

Productivity > Procrastination

Evening citizens of Middle Earth.
Gi Suilon!

So yeah, I've actually kept my promise of another post over Easter! I have to say that the urge to blog has hit me literally at the worst time as my boyfriend is over, currently sulking because I'm not paying him any attention, however, this evening I've had a major Spring clean / sort out that I felt like I needed to share. I'm aware some people may not find this very interesting so please feel free to click off but I've always liked seeing desk tours and people explaining their bullet journals so I thought I'd contribute!

So, as I mentioned, I've had a huge sort out and rearrangement of like... 3 different rooms in order to create a study / office room thing for my A Level revision. Since I've started my revision blog, I feel like my productivity with revision has picked up, yet, for some reason, I can't ever seem to find space to sit down and write past paper essays which, of course, are the best ways to revise a subject! Because of this, I've now got my own separate study room that's next door to my bedroom but a completely study (and occasional logistic planning for my job and future travels) only zone.

Here are some photos of the room:
(Yes the wallpaper is 'The Jungle Book'. This was originally my childhood bedroom - pretty cool right??!? - and the artwork is so cool that we haven't changed the decor in about 15+ years now)

You may notice that I've got three different seating options in this first picture as I like a change of environment. When I'm on my laptop, I sometimes like to be lying down (so sofa) but also could do with being at a desk if I'm perhaps using the laptop to look up things that need to be handwritten down. I also have my drawers (which are like 7 million years old and used to have pipe cleaners and coloured felt in when I did arts & crafts in Primary school) where I now store my papers that I have yet to file / don't feel are necessary to file but may still be useful for each subject (red = German | blue = English | orange = ancient history).

Here, in the second photo, you can see everything I've decided to keep on my ACTUAL desk. I have a photo and candle just to keep things a little light and not so study heavy but also keep stuff on it like subject folders (the yellow one in the left hand corner is for Ancient History; I have yet to bring my other two into the room yet) and a lamp. I also have a clock, my laptop, a pad of plain paper, my revision guides / useful books for each subject and finally my inbox of filing which is the mess in the bottom right.

I've obviously not completely finished this arrangement and still have plans to put up a calendar and my pin board which has a map of Europe and my work Rota on it. I also need to make and print a revision timetable so that will also maybe end up on the wall at some point.

Anyway - I hope someone in the world found this interesting and, hey, if no one did then at least I had fun writing this post!

Hopefully see you again very soon!!

That's all until I next post so...
Tenna enta lúmë - May we meet again!

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